Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Random Thoughts on the Events of this Week

I woke up on time today... amazing.

I got to work on time today... even more amazing.

Yesterday, my sophomore project partner and I wrote an entire movie in one lunch sitting at Arby's on NW 23rd and Blackwelder. Apparently awful fast food smells can lead an individual to write twisted, dark, and somewhat sedistic material. Add in a large Mountain Dew, shake the two together, and you have the cocktail of Genius.

The time it takes me to get from MacArthur and 82nd St. to May and Hefner (~4 miles=10 min) is equal to or less than the time it takes me to get from May and Hefner to Penn and Hefner (1 mile=10 min+). Two stoplights, Two school zones, and a 35 mph speed limit on a 4 lane, main transit street, to me, is obsurd.

The previous paragraph is directly related to paragraph number two.

Tonight in my Behind the Scenes class we were discussing our movie project for the semester in which our vague plot line prompt was: a woman meets death, he gives her two options: 1. go home to your family and you will die, or 2. leave and never see them again, and you will live. My partner and I, and when I say that I mean mostly my partner, which I feel bad for,  wrote out a plot line that consisted of the following: a dukes of hazard style entry to a car, speeding hot pursuit chase sequence, a baker, a cake, a car crash, three hellacious demons, a mace, a sword, a baseball bat with nail through the end, a mad woman, a frying pan, a fight sequence, an escape, and finally another fight sequence. Retarded? Maybe. Expensive? Most likely. Hilariously entertaining? We think so.

The above paragraph, however deceptive, is not related to paragraph three.

Paul Potts, YouTube, Wow, Nuff said.

Speaking of Paul's, Ron Paul raised 3.3 million dollars over the course of Martin Luther King Day, adding to his previous non-campaign supported fundraisers of 4.3 million, and 6 million, totaling for, with other grassroots dates, a whopping 11.34 million dollars. Impressive.

Back to my Behind the Scenes class, while arguing over what we were voting on as our script for the term project, one of my classmates turned her attention to my partner and I and fired a comment in our direction, "I just don't see how that script (our genius composition) would be realistic. Never in literature does anyone cheat death or whatever... it's inevitable."

To which the witty and slightly offended action film writer replied, "What about Faust, or the modernized version about Dr. Faustus? Or we can go back even further... How about Elijah?"
"Elijah was a prophet that went up in a fiery chariot," replied classmate with a new found foothold in the argument, "that is different."
"So... Did he die?" replied the multimedia pastor.
"No," admitted the classmate. 
"I believe the word you are searching for is touche."

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So much to do...

     ...So little time to actually do it. Either the World has slowed on it's axis and I have remained the same, or my internal clock has skipped a day ahead, jumped early to daylight savings, or just all around got jacked up somewhere along the way. Of course, likely-hood would have it that its the latter, considering that if the world did slow... we all would die a horrible, awful death, freezing until the water in the air fully encased our bodies in ice. Aren't you glad God knows his physics?
    The first week of the spring semester arrived on Monday and I went to class excited and eager to get back to my new friends and cool professors. These emotions quickly changed as I realized the weight of the semester combined with all of my responsibilities at work. I think in total I am required to make 4 films this semester. One on my own, Two in groups of three or more, and the last I was asked by the OCU Film Makers Guild to be lead editor, which I am beginning to think that I was a little to zealous and eager to realize the weight of. So there's that, plus two basic classes, one in which I am required to attend twelve events throughout this coming semester and write reports over. Bible as Literature is also required this semester, and by the looks of it so far I can tell it is going to be interesting.
     I have the (A) people who actually wanted to enroll in the class because they are eager to learn about the Bible and/or are Religion Majors, (B) people who enrolled in the class because it is required and they have absolutely no other way out, and (C) the angry, slightly cynical, atheist/agnostic who is not happy with the fact that they are having the Bible forced down their throats. This is where I get confused. I would think, and yes, there is the factor of I think more weirdly than others, that being of a different creed/calling/religion it would be helpful for me to know where/why/how/when/who other's religions were based off of. I mean ironically enough, that is a Biblical requirement of all Christians. If I am going to be against someone in an argument or debate, I want to know their answers before I even ask the question. If anything, I could maybe see how they could be mad if they were required to go to Chapel or hear sermons being preached, but this is far from it. If I had the opportunity at OCU to take a class that taught on the history and claims of the Koran, I seriously would want to take it, just because I really don't know that much about the Muslim religion and I would like to know what/where/why/how/when/who they believe in so I can be better prepared not only to defend my beliefs, but also to maybe to witness to them. Jesus went into the slums to seek out desperate people in need to give them hope, love, and commitment to a new life! Secondly, the course is required by the university because it is a Methodist university... So if we want to get technical, they did sign up for it, and happen to be paying 10 grand a semester for it. I find it Ironic I guess.

     The president of the Film Guild asked me after my Sophomore Project class tonight if I could have a rough cut of the Guild's movie The Sopranos to him by Saturday.

     I replied, "What is today? Tuesday?"

     "Wednesday," he said with little distain in his voice as he walked past me through the open door, "let me know man."

     "Yea, that sounds good!" I think... yea... the rest of this week is gonna be rough.