Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Rocker

Tonight I got to go the FREE sneak preview of Peter Catteneo's "The Rocker" starring Rainn Wilson and Christina Applegate. 

It was a very funny free movie.

Overall, I give the movie a solid 7/10. There was some cheesiness involved with the love plot, but character did develop throughout it. The acting was very reasonable with a pretty much star-studded cast of supporting actors (Will Arnett, Jane Lynch, Fred Armisen). My most liked supporter was one I have yet to hear of, Josh Gad. An awkwardly funny, antisocial-nerd typecast who made me laugh quite a bit by talking to himself.

Anyway, it was good.

I've seen Tropic Thunder twice already. It is great. If you have not seen it yet, go. The amount they make fun of the Hollywood system is hilarious. They also tribute many a war movie, and a few mentally challenged movies. They also define the boundaries of "retard movies," which is very funny. I'm almost convinced there is not a roll Robert Downey Jr. can't play.

Two movies to see, check you later. Above is a screenshot from "The Rocker" I took on my new iPhone... Illegal? Pretty much, but all for your entertainment.

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