Monday, March 10, 2008

Since you've been gone...

So I'm sitting at IHOP with two of the coolest girls in the history of the world. They are both studying and I'm doing, of course, nothing important. I studied really hard last night for my Bib Lit midterm today. I over studied I think. It will hopefully come out good.

Call me a bad kid but today I had a 6:00p class. My friend Darrell and I walked over to the classroom and saw no one in there yet. This was completely normal considering it was 10 minutes before class. So we walked to the lounge to get a drink, and when I say that, I mean my cheap-self walked to the water fountain why he spent money on a Vault, which by the way, have the best commercials in soda pop history. We saw a chess board and we sat down to play. The next 30 minutes was a proceeding which involved me getting romped in chess. The first game I lost in like 0.5 seconds and the second game was a stalemate, which is basically a win in my book. I'm horrible at chess, but if anyone wants to go in checkers (except for Reagan Lowell, you suck...) then I will totally take you on.

But we played chess and purposely sat through about 15 minutes of class. After the stalemate we left the lounge and walked back to the classroom. We both looked in and paused, confused for we were staring at an entire room full of asian people. My first thought was, "what the crap," which was followed by, "eureka, no class!" We both decided that we would be good students and at least walk back to the film building and check for Walt's (professor) Tahoe. If it was there we would go up to class.

It wasn't, and we were happy. We walked to our cars and got in. I hear a keyless entry alarm bark next to me and the MIAP Director gets in his car. "Ah, crap," immediately comes to mind as he rolls down his window. "You in editing class tonight?" Danget... "Yea, but no one is in the class except asian people," score one for the student. "Oh, they are up in the editing room! Walt's not here tonight so Patrick is filling in." What the fuh... We can't get away with anything honestly! Darrell almost escaped the parking lot until he honked at him, and Darrell raised his head to look at the two of us with a look of, "what the fuh..." on his face as well.

So we parked our cars back in their prisons, walked back to the building together, looked out the window till we couldn't see the director's car anymore, bolted back out to our cars, and drove away...

Random Fact: 1 in 5 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime... thanks Tiffany... 

1 comment:

Rayke said...

You would take the Vault commercials over the Sublymonal ones??

Psh. Those things gave me nightmares.

"Yea, but no one is in the class except asian people,"

Sounds like the end to a terrible joke.